Wednesday 11 July 2012

LOWER RIDGE, SAUGHALL, 8/7/12 ~ Warren expensive session that was

Under normal circumstances, pole damage at Lower Ridge is frequent, but usually down to the strong winds which blight this fishery. Today however, it was the lake inhabitants which were the cause.
Derek Warren was midway through his attempt to empty the lake when, for no apparent reason, the top 2 kit on his Trilogy exploded into three pieces as he latched into a decent carp. An audition to join the Tourettes society followed, before Degsy settled down and continued to catch margin carp on chopped worm n caster. With an hour to go, the fishery owner asked if there were any big carp in keepnets, and proceeded to weigh Derek's fish before returning them to the water. Unable to catch in the margins, his catch rate plummeted, but at the proper weigh-in he'd done enough, securing victory with a level 39lb. A great win for Degs, well done.
Paul Robb drew the open water, and despite a healthy breeze, decided to fish long pole shallow with caster. An assortment of F1s and ide totalled 32lb 14oz, and gave Paul an excellent second place.
On his first visit to Saughall was Colin Cook. He opted for a light elastic with 0.12 hooklength. After only a few fish, he realised that heavier gear was needed. Col ended up with a foot of tight black hydro in a number one top, and still managed to lose a few angry carp. He got enough out to put 32lb 08oz on the scales and slip into a deserved third place.
Jamie Pickup fished chopped worm at about 11metres with his NEW Sensas 774, and had an ide dominated bag which went 31lb 04oz and earned him a section win.
With winds pushing the fish towards the car park end, the other section proved a little tougher, and was won by John Heald, who used the method feeder at 14metres and after netting a few decent carp, weighed in with 22lb 12oz. Nice one John.
The Sumo Sovereign is becoming a bit predictable, and despite some Saturday night taunting, Jamie came out on top again. When asked for his coin, Sumo muttered something about setting up a direct debit and quickly left the venue. Better luck next time John.

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