The angling club shall be known as the Egremont Ferry Angling Society, (hereafter called the Club).

The club shall be under the management of an elected committee which will be open to all members, who will serve for a period of one year from date of election. The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary/ Match Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.

The Club shall hold monthly meetings (currently the first Tuesday of the month) and an Annual General Meeting in January of each year. The meetings are open to all members of the Club. The Committee may meet at any time with regard to matters that need urgent attention, any such matters will be brought to the attention of the members at the next monthly meeting. Rules and amendments to rules deemed urgent during the course of the year may be adopted immediately and be confirmed at the next A.G.M. The Chairman shall have the casting vote.

The membership of the Club shall be determined at each A.G.M. Acceptance of members by the Committee shall at all times be final.

Applications for membership must be in writing addressed to the Chairman. That application will then be presented to the members at the next meeting, and the members present at that meeting will be asked to vote to either reject or accept the application for membership by a black ball vote. If 1/3 vote against, then the application shall be rejected. In the case of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

The Committee will organise angling trips, matches and social events with the intention to foster good relations throughout the angling community on behalf of the Club and it's members.

All members must be in possession of a current Environment Agency Licence before fishing Club matches. Closed season and E.A. rules regarding fishing and the taking of fish shall be observed and members failing to comply will be dealt with by The Committee and may be expelled from the Club. The Club has adopted the Model Match Rules of the Angling Trust as the basis of Club rules. The rules of individual commercial fisheries and subsequent rule changes within the Club take precedence. Members must abide by the rules and constitution of any Association or Federation to which the Club is affiliated.