Sunday 4 October 2015

HAMPTON, MEADOW, 4/10/15 ~ John's stand-up routine is no joke

Chilly nights, foggy mornings and then bright, calm days are not the ideal conditions for a day's fishing. Despite this, Hampton provided us with a very competitive match, and half the field weighed in over 30lb. Typical of the last few weeks, provided a little thought and effort went into the fishing, there were bites to be had, albeit spread out through the match.
John Edwards is the first to start shouting 'advice' when anyone hooks a decent fish, normally about the use of a pulla kit. How amusing then, to see Sumo standing on tiptoes to land every half decent fish he encountered. He also spent a great deal of time standing in order to see his float in the margins. As remarked during the day, we think he was giving his seatbox a rest from the usual torture of carrying his fat ass. After the initial ridicule at his antics, the only one laughing at John's stand-up routine was John himself. He certainly wiped the smile off a few faces at the final whistle as his 46lb 09oz made him a clear winner. Yes, I know, Sumo and winner in the same sentence!!! An outstanding performance from John, so credit where due, well done.
Another big performance came from the evergreen Kenny Pickup. Finding some bigger fish in the margins, which many of the field failed to muster, KP brought 37lb 03oz to the scales, and earned himself the silver medal. Nice one Ken.
Third place, by a whisker, went to Dirk Wriggler.  Despite any winnings going towards a new No.6 section, Degsy held himself together (if not the pole) to catch 32lb 15oz and sneak onto the podium. Another consistent effort, so well done.
Section wins went to Lee Pickup with 32lb 10oz, and The Jolly Green Giant. Having been verbally abused by Nasty Nick for most of the day, Neil took sweet revenge with his 31lb 08oz return. Good, honest performances from both section winners, congratulations boys.


  1. Good day out yesterday yoz dont know bout summo standing up fishin the toothless terror(dj) did as much also his usual coments #uckin #astard come off again most of the match hard luck Den. Also Lez sat behind us farting all day( bet his tenna ladies) were battered to hell hard luck on Dirk breakin his no 6 some beasties in there. Lee did well after bein tol by Jay " ya cant fish there its my swim" in all fairness it was i thought you mite have battered it with all that scum to the right of you (but you let me off) glad Cookie monster got his expensive(99p) glicks back. Really enjoyed the day and the banter. Dont forget the meeting tues ppl

  2. Been haunted all day with that Tina Turner song about being Simply the Something or other. Might have done a Clueless (50+) if I hadn't had to break off fishing to ring Harrop Senior's care home. I thought his Parkinson's had kicked off but he was just missing loads of bites. Anyway the Mojo is afraid, be very afraid.
